self.hint = "'"+centerof["targetname"]+"' = targetname.||The black thin arrows, shows which other waypoints this one directly points to, by using its 'target##' specifics.\n\nThe thick colored lines illustrates its nearest neighbours, which are used for the shortest-path-matrix, by using its 'via_wp###_to' specifics."
quarkx.msgbox("A single 'Bot Waypointer' entity could not be determined. Please remove or rename the ones you are not editing for to something else.", MT_ERROR, MB_OK)
quarkx.msgbox("Could not find a 'Bot Waypointer' entity. May it have been renamed to something else?", MT_ERROR, MB_OK)
# Create a new menu-item, and store the cursor's origin in it.
menupastebotwaypoint = quarkpy.qmenu.item("&Paste waypoint", PasteBotWaypointClick, "|To paste a bot waypoint, you must first have copied (CTRL+C) a single 'dup botwaypointerpoint' entity into the clipboard.\n\nThis action also creates a new targetname for the waypoint, and keeps it aligned with the previous waypoint selected.")
menupastebotwaypoint.pos = origin
menupastebotwaypoint.view = view
# If there is nothing to paste, disable the menu (note: it could be anything in the clipboard,
# but we'll test agains that once the user actully performs the action)
if ((quarkx.pasteobj(0) == 0) or (view is None) or (origin is None)):